We have learned of several fraudulent “phishing” communications circulating via e-mail using the LyondellBasell and Lyondell Chemical brands.
Phishing is a scam where Internet fraudsters send e-mail or pop-up messages to lure personal and financial information from unsuspecting victims. In an effort to appear legitimate, these messages usually contain logos, images, names of high-ranking employees or other references to the company mentioned in the e-mail. To avoid becoming a victim of fraud, treat these messages with caution and do not forward any personal information in response to unsolicited and suspicious e-mail.
The e-mail scams summarized below do not include all hoaxes in circulation that mention our company or brand. Other scams may exist and may not be listed here.
- One message falsely claims Lyondell Chemical Company is looking for payment agents who will be compensated for receiving payments from our customers and clients. The e-mail states a salary and asks the recipient to provide additional personal details by contacting the sender who claims to be affiliated with Lyondell.
- Another e-mail falsely states the recipient is a beneficiary of the non-existent Lyondell Chemical Online Endowment Fund Award (LYOEFA). The message is signed in the name of a former employee of Lyondell and urges the recipient to reply to an e-mail address for additional information.
LyondellBasell and its subsidiaries (including Lyondell Chemical Company) are in no way associated with these e-mails, letters or programs. We do not advertise for employment by sending messages to personal e-mail accounts, and we will never ask you for personal information via e-mail. Our name is being used without permission. We are currently investigating the situation.
If you have already responded to this type of e-mail or letter, we recommend that you immediately discontinue all communications with the source and contact your local and/or federal authorities for advice on how to proceed.
LyondellBasell Industries is one of the world's largest polymers, petrochemicals and fuels companies. We are the global leader in polyolefins technology, production and marketing; a pioneer in propylene oxide and derivatives; and a significant producer of fuels and refined products, including bio-fuels. Through research and development, LyondellBasell develops innovative materials and technologies that deliver exceptional customer value and products that improve quality of life for people around the world. Headquartered in The Netherlands, LyondellBasell (http://www.lyondellbasell.com/) is privately owned by Access Industries.